Yushang Yang - UX Design and 3d Art
Netboom is a cloud gaming platform that brings the best PC games to your portable devices.
Starting from scratch, I am the sole UX designer for the international-market cloud gaming app, and the number of users increased from 0 to 30 million during my tenure.
Million Users
4.3 on Play Store
Funded by 

619.3 Million 
Tiktok Tag Views

My Role
  • Design UX Framework: Developed from scratch (0 to 1). Implemented main UX iterations, resulting in a one million increase in users within a month in South Asia. In Turkey, it has reached a record of one million new users in one day.
  • Controller Mode Preset Scheme: Proposed based on experiments and research; became the most frequently used operation mode
  • Button Customisation System: Designed for in-game button customization to adapt to various game types. Games saw significantly higher usage durations.
  • Operation Strategies: Work with the operations team to formulate and implement promotion plans and explore new markets. The ROI can usually reach five or higher.
  • Standardise UX Language: Organized multilingual versions for better localization.
  • Product Listing and Updates: Managed Play Store and App Store listings and updates.
  • User Feedback Improvement: Enhanced from "difficult to use" to minimal interaction barriers after several iterations.

BackgroundEarly Stage Challenges at Netboom
When I joined Netboom, the product was in its early development stages. Despite strong cloud technology support, the user experience was challenging, failing to meet commercial-grade standards and market expectations.
Key Challenges
  • User Understanding: Helping first-time cloud game users quickly grasp the product.
  • Functionality vs. Usability: Providing rich features while maintaining ease of use.
  • Cross-Platform Integration: Combining characteristics of computer and mobile games.
  • Balancing Experience and Profit: Ensuring an engaging user experience without compromising profitability.

Developing a Solution
I used heuristic evaluation to streamline the initial version's process, ensuring users could enter the game smoothly and perform basic operations. This method was cost-effective, with plans for user interviews after establishing a complete user flow.

Understanding Potential Users

Netboom’s potential users include computer gamers familiar with platforms like Steam and Epic Games and mobile users. They might use the product while on the go, waiting, sharing games at parties, or playing at home. Cloud gaming remains relatively unfamiliar, which was a critical consideration.

Initial Version Issues

Early versions had a complex and unclear interface, incomplete menu functions, and non-intuitive language. The visual design lacked consistency and aesthetic cohesion, making it confusing for new users.

Focus Areas for Improvement

To ensure a smooth primary process, I focused on adjusting keyboard layout settings and developing a custom layout function. I also re-standardized the UI icon and design system for uniformity and improved readability.
Early interfaces

First Usability Test and Interviews
With critical functions improved, I conducted the first usability test to identify barriers preventing users from playing the game. We recruited five English speakers from diverse backgrounds, both game novices and professional players. The test revealed issues with process guidance, mobile scene specifics, and various minor UX/UI-related problems.

Insights and Adjustments

  • Explanatory Guide: Simplified instructions to help first-time users navigate the product.
  • Mouse Operation Mode: Improved guidance on switching to touch mode.
  • Mobile Optimization: Streamlined keyboard operations for better mobile compatibility.
  • UX Language & UI Consistency: Enhanced language and UI design for a global market.
  • Iterations

Continuously Expandable Menu System Design

Netboom’s rich functionalities required a menu system that allowed for future updates while maintaining usability. I analyzed popular game menu interfaces and operation modes, designing a clearer, more user-friendly menu structure tailored to Netboom.

The Vision - Simplify and Maintain Consistency

Based on user research, I reorganized the product features and set phased goals. Netboom's structure comprises the App interface and the game interface. We focused on improving the App interface first and then the game interface. A comprehensive competitive analysis informed design decisions, balancing icon+label styles popular in Asia with minimalist designs favored in Europe and America. 

More User Tests
For the coming user test, we recruited participants in Shanghai and interviewed users in the United States online. The focus was on the game interface, with positive feedback from all the participants on the homepage. Key findings included the need for more prominent function entries, better keyboard customization menus, simplified typing operations, and reconsideration of mouse mode for mobile.

Button Customization and Gamepad Mode
To enhance game interaction, we expanded the preset button system and designed a new custom button system. Recognizing the success of gamepad modes in popular games, we introduced a virtual controller button mode. This allowed players without a physical controller to experience controller mode, significantly improving user experience.

Responding to Market Feedback and 
Continuous Improvement
After establishing the fundamental framework, I continued to research and update the product with the team, focusing on both UI and game features, as well as business strategies.

Business Strategies

Collaborated with the operation team to research and screen popular games suitable for mobile, prominently featuring them on the homepage. These games saw significantly higher click rates and usage durations. Involved in developing pricing schemes, including subscription models and regular promotions, supported by extensive pricing testing.

Multilingual Version

Expansion into Southeast Asia and the Middle East Notable success in Southeast Asia, with 990,000 new users in Thailand in one month. Significant revenue growth from the Middle East market.

Localization Strategy Proposed multilingual versions to better adapt to localized markets. Recruited professional translators and invited users to help correct grammar and diction. Positive feedback: Many users preferred using their native language, enhancing their overall experience.

Developing the Middle East Market

Market Research and Operations Participated in daily operations and market research, including implementing customer service systems and social media promotion. Focused on localization and culturally appropriate publicity. Successful ad campaigns in Middle Eastern countries resulted in a daily increase of one million users in Turkey. Maintained a high ROI, typically reaching five or higher.

Introducing the Combination Key Function

Enhancing Game Interaction Continued to explore game interaction improvements post-foundation of the game interface. Addressed the challenge of placing multiple function keys on a small screen and the difficulty of pressing multiple keys simultaneously. 

Implementation Launched a combination key function, allowing players to customize key layouts for easier game control. Worked with the operation team to create preset combination keys for popular games, facilitating easier initial setup for players.

©Yushang Yang